00A1: 8-Figures in Ad Spend

8-Figures in Ad Spend:

Why Some Businesses CAN Do It Profitably
and Others Can’t

$221,211.14 Spent On Facebook Ads

In A Single Day

Yes, that’s right, that’s $221,211.14 spent on Facebook and Instagram ads in a single day…

That screenshot is from Black Friday 2018…

And, not only did we profitably scale this account to over $200K on Black Friday alone, we actually spent $783,247.68 over the Black Friday / Cyber Monday weekend.

Here’s a screenshot…

And, just to be clear, Black Friday was absolutely NOT a “typical” day…and, that specific weekend was NOT a “typical” weekend.

Not surprisingly, for this account, Black Friday was the highest spend day of the entire year.

But, I share this with you to illustrate the scalability of the Facebook advertising ecosystem, and why Facebook ads are easily the top channel for companies looking scale their sales and generate leads online.

Now, at this point, you’re probably thinking something along these lines…

“That’s all well and good Rob but show me what a normal day looks like.”

Fair enough.

Here’s the spend for the same ad account for a 12-month period:

As you can see in that screenshot, the total spend for those 12 months was $12,259,032.21.

…so a little over 12 millions dollars in spend for the year. That’s just over one million dollars per month ($1,021,586.02 per month to be exact).

So, based on this, an average (or normal) day for this account is $33,586.39 in ad spend.

And, to give you some context on this account, so that these spend numbers actually mean something…

This is an ecommerce company serving an entirely female market and the ad spend is almost entirely the United States (so one of the most expensive countries to advertise in).

And no, this is NOT some big corporation who is running a ton of “branding” advertisements and ignoring the return on ad spend (ROAS).

In fact, none of my own companies or the businesses I work with are “big brand advertisers”. So, every single account of mine or account I direct is entirely focused on generating a strong positive ROAS…

So if we’re scaling spend, it’s because we’re making a profit.

NOT A “One-Hit Wonder”

This account is not an anomaly or a “one-hit wonder” either, my Private Clients and I are scaling businesses in industry after industry and vertical after vertical.

Here’s a snapshot from a Private Client of mine whose ad account we’ve also scaled up to 8-figures in profitable spend

As you can see, over two years, this account has spent $20,189,676.78…so just over ten million dollars per year in spend on the Facebook advertising ecosystem alone.

This is an average of $27,657.09 PER DAY for two years straight!


As you’re reading this, you’re probably thinking…

“This all sounds awesome, but what if I don’t have a million dollars per month to spend on ads?!”

….and I totally get that!

Most people don’t have a million dollars a month to spend on ads.

And, none of these companies had a million dollars a month to spend on ads when they started off with Facebook ads either.

In fact, we started advertising each of these sites the same way most companies start….with a very small daily budget.

And then, as the ads generated a profit, we scaled up spend from there…

And, day after day, week after week, and month after month, here we are with these sites doing tens of millions of dollars per year in sales.

With the overwhelming majority of this growth coming from one marketing channel. Facebook ads.

Don’t Worry! This Works With Smaller Budgets As Well…

I know I mentioned above that each of these accounts started out with small budgets, and then scaled up based on the profits generated by the ads…

But, I thought I’d quickly share a few snapshots from accounts with smaller daily budgets.

Here’s a snapshot from a niche business that’s spending just over $100K per month using this…

And here’s another business selling an even more niche product, with just over $500K in spend for the year…

And how about a business we just started scaling up? Here’s a look at Q3 of 2019 for a site we’ve just started scaling (with $168,817.07 in spend for the quarter)…

…and these are just a small sample of all of the accounts using these methods to profitably scale sales.

The system used to profitably scale these accounts is a formula that virtually any business can use…

And, you can literally get started with as little as $1/day.

It’s a formula that produces predictable and consistent results for business after business, industry after industry, and vertical after vertical.

But Why Are So Many Businesses Struggling To Get Facebook Ads Profitable & Scaling?

I speak to a lot of business owners, and one thing I’m hearing more and more these days are comments like this…

“Facebook ads don’t work for my business.”

“My Facebook ads are getting too expensive.”

“Every time I try to scale my ads, the costs creep up.”

“My ads used to be profitable, but I can’t get them to work anymore.”

“I know people are making money with Facebook ads, but why can’t I make them work?”

I hear things like this ALL OF THE TIME.

If you’re feeling like this, then you’ll be happy to hear that I know exactly what is going on…and more importantly, how to fix it.

Click here learn why so many business owners are struggling with Facebook ads (and what to do about it)

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