00A3: An Outdated Map

If you’re struggling to make Facebook ads work for your business…

Or, if Facebook ads used to be profitable for you, but they are becoming less and less profitable by the day…

Or, you’re able to get Facebook ads profitable, but as you try to scale your costs rise at least as fast as you increase your budgets…

If you’re experiencing any of these challenges, it is not your fault.

The information I’m seeing taught out there by all the “gurus” is based on what used to work on Facebook back in the day (when running Facebook ads was as easy as shooting fish in a barrel).

The tactics aren’t outright lies, but what they fail to tell you is that the tactics they are teaching don’t work as well today as they used to.

In fact, often the tactics I see being taught, haven’t worked well for years.

This really is the dirty little secret, the “gurus” don’t want you to know know about what they’re selling in all of their courses… 

You’re Following An Outdated Map

As a result of following “systems” that used to work back in the day on Facebook, you really are left with nothing better than an outdated map.

How are you supposed to make ads work, when you’re working with an outdated map?

And the problem is, it’s hard to know that it is the map that’s wrong…and that it isn’t your product, service, offer, etc. that’s wrong…

So, it can be frustrating.

Frustrating knowing that things aren’t working, but not knowing why. Not knowing the root cause of the issue and basically stumbling around in the dark trying to find the way.

And even when you do get something to actually click, it just seems to die out so quickly and stops working.

And then, after banging their head against the wall one too many times trying to get their ads working on their own…

Many business owners decide that it’s time to turn to the “experts” to save them…

Enter The Slick-Talking

Facebook Ads Agency

The thinking usually goes something like this…

If you can’t get Facebook ads working on your own, then it must be time to hire an agency to do it for you.

Now, the large retainers and 15%-25% management fee on every dollar spent seem a little expensive, but what else is there to do?

You know Facebook ads is the key to growing your business, but you’re struggling to get them working on your own…

And, after talking with the people at the agency, they are confident that they can succeed where you’ve failed in the past and they’re sure they can get things working…

So, the additional cost seems like a small price to pay to finally get Facebook ads working and scaling for your business…

But Wait! Still Losing Money?!
What Gives?

But wait, after weeks (or even months) of working with an agency, you’re still losing money.

The agency keeps saying that it’s just the “learning phase” and that soon things will be profitable…

But, day after day and week after week, the results just aren’t there.

And now, not only are your Facebook ads not working, but you’re paying an additional management fee on top of what you used to be spending running your ads in house.

And, every time you try to talk to the people at the agency, it just doesn’t feel like they care as much about all the money you’re losing as you do…

But, I guess when you think about it…

It kind of makes sense though, doesn’t it?

Because even though you are losing your shirt…the agency is still getting paid aren’t they?

So, What’s Going On Here?

Why is this agency, who was so convincing that they could get results, still failing to get Facebook ads really working and scaling?

Well, it’s two-fold…

First, as hard as it is to believe, most of these agencies are also following outdated maps to try to make Facebook ads work.

Most of the time, these agencies are doing things the way they used to as well, even though the tactics don’t work anymore.

And sometimes, these “experts” are actually following the same outdated tactics being taught in all the “guru” courses, because many of these gurus actually sell courses geared toward complete newbies on how to start a social media marketing agency.

And then, these courses proceed to teach outdated tactics on how to run Facebook ads…which basically guarantees the people who buy these courses will be literally flushing their client’s money down the toilet.

But, even if we give the benefit of the doubt to the agency we’re imagining here, and we assume that this agency is one of the rare agencies who actually know what they are doing…

There’s an even bigger problem at play…

The Agency Model Is Broken

Here’s the big problem with agencies that no agency would ever tell you…

The agency model is broken.

At its core, the entire model that most agencies are built on is fundamentally broken. It physically cannot work.

See, most agencies began as a small team (or even a single freelancer) who knew what they were doing. They really were an expert.

And as a result, they were able to get results for their clients.

So, these clients referred them more business, and they started to get too busy to handle all of the work…and they began to hire people to help.

And, on the surface, this seems totally fine.

These new hires start on the job…

And yes, maybe these newbies aren’t quite as good as the original owners (or owner)…

And as a result the client’s profits drop a little while the new hire “learns on the job” by spending the client’s money.

Now, let’s pretend for a moment, that it is even remotely ethical to let your new hires experiment and “learn on the job” with your client’s money…

…which it’s not.

But even if it was ethical and acceptable to do this…

There’s still an even bigger issue at play than the very questionable ethics…

Any agency employee who becomes competent at running Facebook ads quits.

They do this because, the ability to run Facebook ads profitably, is one of the most sought after (and well rewarded) skills in the world right now…

And, the employee can make way more money freelancing, or starting their own agency than they will ever make if they stay working at the agency.

And this means, the only employees left are the ones who never got good enough to leave and do their own thing…

And this is what creates the stark disconnect between the pitches and promises you hear from senior members at the agency…

And the lacklustre and frustrating results the agency actually produces.

The senior people at the agency may actually know what they are doing…

But, the people actually making the day to day decisions with your hard-earned money are either brand new (completely lacking in skill) or they are a “veteran” who’s only stayed at the agency because they’re so bad at Facebook ads they can’t make more money elsewhere.

(One Of) The Most Valuable Skills
In The World Right Now

The Facebook advertising ecosystem is still the most powerful way to grow a business online. Period.

Yes, it is true that Facebook ads have become more competitive and expensive than they were in the past…

But, with the right processes and method, Facebook ads are still woefully underpriced. 

And, I can guarantee that in 5-10 years we’ll all look back at this time and think…

“Wow! I should have taken full advantage of how cheap Facebook ads were back in 2019.”

Yes, Facebook ads are more expensive now than they were before…but, they are still way cheaper now than they will be in the future. 

And yes, the Facebook ads platform has become more competitive and thus harder to get profitable and scaling…

But, this also means that ANYONE who has the ability to truly make Facebook ads work, possesses one of the most valuable skills in existence right now.

And, this skill really isn’t a “skill” at all.

Getting results with Facebook ads really comes down to only one thing…

The system you are using.

If you’re going off of an outdated map and using old tactics that don’t work anymore, then you won’t get the results you desire.

But if you have the right system. A system proven to work right here, right now in 2019…then you possess everything you need to get results.

With the right system, you have the up-to-date map needed to get your Facebook ads profitable…

And you have the map, to predictably, consistently, and most importantly profitably grow your business by scaling your ads.

So, let’s look at a system that works… The same system my Private Clients and I are using to profitably spend 8-figures on ads.

Click here to learn the system that we’re using to (profitably) scale to 6-figures per day on Facebook

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